Annual adolescent conference

At WESHARE-Uganda we are always passionate about reaching out to young people throughout various avenues. The Annual adolescent conference is our annual gathering that takes usually takes place in the month of August, and it is a lot more to do with reaching out to the young people and involving them in various sessions (involving Health, social life, Spiritual life, Business talks, relationship talks, Science and technology among others). The conference usually hosts a number of inspirational speakers who are zealous at making a difference in the lives of young people; the conference hosts various artists, with goat roasting and popcorn around the fireplace at the end of the conference.

The conference has greatly registered positive results, changing lives and bringing transformation among young people. Many young people are always eager and can’t wait to always attend the conference.

Would you like to take part, maybe sharing ideas, maybe donating annual to the conference, please feel free to contact us and we shall get in to with you as soon as possible.