Why Invest in Adolescents Health and Development

Globally adolescents constitute approximately 20 % of the population with 196.5 million adolescents in Africa. Uganda has a predominantly young population with adolescents (10-19 Years) constituting 25 % (8.48 million).

A young population is highly dependent and vulnerable and also presents serious challenges of addressing their sexual and reproductive health and rights and other conditions. If the needs of the young population are not addressed, they undermine social transformation and sustainable development.

Worldwide 1.8 million adolescents aged 10-19 years are living with HIV/AIDs. (UNAIDS Data 2016). 85% of them living in Sub Saharan Africa and 60% of them are girls. There is an urgent and ongoing crisis, 2500 new infections every day, i.e.1 new infection every 30 seconds. 80% of new infections in sub Saharan Africa. Lind Gail Bekker 2017. There are high rates of teenage pregnancies and many young girls drop out of schools due to early pregnancies, teenage pregnancies are also associated with unsafe abortions. Teenage pregnancy is therefore a serious Public Health and social problem, 25% are ages 15-19yrs (i.e. one in 4 girls in Uganda 13-19 is either pregnant or has had a baby).

Teenage girls too aged 15-19 years are twice more likely to die during pregnancy and childbirth compared to women in their twenties. There are a number of complications associated with teenage pregnancy including preterm labor, intrauterine growth retardation& low Birth weight, neonatal death, obstructed labor, genital fistula, and Eclampsia. However, their reproductive health is affected by sexually transmitted infections, sexual violence, and limited access to medical services. Furthermore, half of the adolescent pregnancies are unintended at birth, one-third of these end in unsafe abortion, and one-third of the maternal death in Uganda are adolescents. Many adolescents are getting pregnant because of the information gaps about Reproductive Health, though still many adolescents are seduced with money and useless gifts whereas in rural communities parents often trade their daughters for alcohol increasing hence increasing the teenage pregnancies.

By investing into the health of the adolescent population in Uganda, each and every adolescent will be provided the opportunity to access their potential and grow into healthy, responsible and independent adults. WESHARE-Uganda exists to promote comprehensive adolescent health, growth and development in Uganda through knowledge dissemination, participating in research, advocacy and affiliation with other societies and bodies involved in adolescent health.

Investing in the health of adolescents helps prevent the estimated 1.4 million deaths that occur globally every year due to HIV and pregnancy related causes, road traffic injuries, violence as well as suicide.

It can also improve the health and well-being of many millions of adolescents who experience health problems such as depression, anemia or HIV infection; and promote the adoption of healthy behaviors that help prevent health problems that occur later in life, such as cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer resulting from physical inactivity and tobacco use initiated during adolescence.

Finally, investing in adolescent health can prevent problems in the next generation such as prematurity and low birth weight in infants born to very young mothers.

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