OVC (Orphans& Vulnerable children) Education support Program

OVC-Education support Program

At WESHARE-Uganda, we have the OVC Education support program intended on reaching out to orphans and vulnerable children supporting them through education for a better future. This lays them a promising foundation; for healthy development and enhancing their opportunities to achieve their dreams in life, hence growing into resourceful and active members of their, families and communities.

Every year we support a couple of children through the OVC Education support program.

We partner with schools to support the needy child attend school; currently working with Newlife Primary school, Kajjansi as one of our partner schools and other secondary schools. Currently, our program supports 3 children for school every year. Our vision is far beyond three and focused on changing the lives of a thousand needy children, most of whom can’t afford education.

Our OVC community team takes priority to identify those that are in great need, some of them have reached the time for school but have not started school, some of whom parents can’t afford school fees, and some who have spent most of their early lives in recurrent Hospital admissions due to HIV-related illnesses. At WESHARE we help these children and support them through Education for a better future, sharing the love that makes a difference as well as raising their hope again. A couple of families can fill the OVC assessment form, then our team has to verify the information provided and probably make an assessment to who qualifies for enrolment into the program, therefore it’s not a must that whoever fills the form qualifies for the OVC Education support program.

Meet Nisha our first daughter at WESHARE-Uganda.

Nisha is a pretty wonderful young girl, Nisha is in need of a sponsor.

Become Nisha sponsor 

You can become part of our OVC Education support programs, and share to make a difference, thank you for your continued support and we will indeed be so grateful.


Whichever donation you make counts.

$1, $5, $25, $100, $200, $250, $300, $400, $500, any other amounts.

“As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.”
― Mary Anne Radmacher

We share to make a Difference



Nisha our first daughter at WESHARE